IITC provides a Training Course in
The Agricultural Value Chain: Innovative Technology
A value chain involves all activities that are required to bring a product or service from production to final customers. The activities include design, production, marketing, distribution and support services leading up to consumption.
There is an element of value addition to the preliminary products across the chain as the product passes through the stages of the value chain. For smallholder farmers who are dominant in crop and livestock productionto realize the benefit of participating in the value chain including linkage to input suppliers, traders and output market, there is need for them to have a strong position in the chain in terms of influencing their benefits.
Participants in this course will be able to:
- Explain the value chain, its concepts, principles and approaches and its role in sustainable economic development.
- Explain value chain development and actor empowerment.
- Analyse the value chain using a variety of tools and steps.
- Identify constraints and opportunities for innovation.
- Identify the steps for building engagement among and between chain actors.
Day One: Introduction to Value Chain
- Definition of a value chain.
- Value Chain Marketing System.
- Value Chain Framwork.
- Chain Empowerment.
- Value Chain development process.
- Value Chain selection.
Day Two: Value Chain Mapping and Analysis
- Chain Mapping and assessment.
- Chain Development.
- Chain Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Market Analysis.
- Supply, Demand and price setting.
- Analyzing economic sustainability of value chains.
Day Three: Value Chain relation and governence
- Analyzing value chain relations and governance.
- The role of chain supporters, business development service (BDS) and value chain financing.
- Value chain development (VCD) facilitator in enhancing availability of (BDS) to small holder farmer.
- Building engagement: obtaining “buy-in” from stakeholders.
Day Four: Chain empowerment, monitoring and evaluation
- Chain empowerment strategies.
- Chain monitoring and evaluation.
- Development of indicators and selection of analytical tools.
- Chain learning and innovation.
- Examples.
Day Five: Chain Development Facilitator
- Roles of chain development facilitator’s and support agencies.
- The Do’d and Don’ts of facilitators, Key competencies of VCD facilitators.
- Action Planning.
- Case Study.
For More Details about this Course, Please Contact Us on: info@istanbulitc.com
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